
Before or During Reading Strategy:  Wordsalive

Page history last edited by Mary Murray Stowe 13 years, 5 months ago


Before or During Reading Activity:  Wordsalive


In-depth knowledge of vocabulary is critical to moving students to higher levels of achievement.  Thus, experts consistently indicate that readers must be able to read and understand 95% of the vocabulary within a passage to fully comprehend the passage. Wordsalive was created by Virginia teachers to provide in-depth vocabulary acquisition. This vocabulary acquisition model combines researched-based strategies into a student-friendly graphic organizer appropriate for vocabulary instruction in any content area and for learners in graders 5-9. This strategy might be used prior to the reading of text, but may also be used during reading to construct meaning of words while using the surrounding text within the visual device. 


Follow the links below for implementation and additional information about Wordsalive:


General information, including PowerPoint: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/instruction/english/middle/wordsalive/index.shtml


Context for the words in simulation #3 within the PowerPoint to accompany the culminating activity in the teaching resources presentation:  http://www.doe.virginia.gov/instruction/english/middle/wordsalive/context_simulation3.shtml


           Blackline masters for student use with the PowerPoint: GIVE LINK


           Bibliography   http://www.doe.virginia.gov/instruction/english/middle/wordsalive   /bibliography.shtml    



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