
After Reading Activity:  Paired Summarizing

Page history last edited by Mary Murray Stowe 13 years, 5 months ago


After Reading Activity:  Paired Summarizing


The Alabama Reading Initiative (2008) suggests paired summarizing, developed by Vaughn and Estes (1986).  The strategy includes many components supported as current evidence-based practices -- retelling, summarizing, restating, and sustained discussion.  Originally, paired summarizing was suggested for students in elementary grades, but it would engage students in middle and high school as well.  Many of today's adolescents "text" or message their peers.  When introducing this activity, the teacher might remind students that summarizing what they have read is similar to their every-day practice of texting their friends.


Paired summarizing involves partnering two students.  The students read a passage and each then writes a retelling of what they have read.  The partners exchange and read each other’s retellings and then write a summary of what their partner has written.  In discussion, the partners compare and contrast, identify similarities and differences, and ask questions of each other.



Alabama Reading Initiative Secondary Team (2008). Planning strategic lessons:

            A step-by-step guide (rev. ed.). 

Vaughn, J., & Estes, T. (1986) Reading and reasoning beyond the primary grades. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.


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