After-Reading Activity: Rereading With Purpose and Rereading With Predictions
ReReading with a Purpose
Beers (2003) suggests that rereading is the number one strategy that independent readers use when they encounter difficulty in understanding. To encourage struggling students to use this strategy, the teacher requests that students reread a passage with a purpose in mind.(Beers, 2003, pp. 111-119).
For example, when reading a novel, the teacher might ask students to read Chapter One and then write down any questions, predictions, or responses that they might have. They are then asked to reread the chapter looking for information about one of the characters and answering the question, “What do you know of the character that you did not know before you read the chapter?” Finally, students are instructed to read the chapter examining the text for information about another character.
With this method, students can discover the value of rereading through experience. Beers suggests several points when implementing this strategy, including:
1. Prove to students that rereading is valuable. HOW?
2. Model your thinking as you reread a text.
3. Give students specific tasks as they reread.
4. After students have reread, review what happened.
Debriefing after the rereading activity is critical to students' acceptance of the strategy. Each time a rereading occurs, one's understanding of text is revised.
When introducing rereading to students, it is helpful to use short passages. James Patterson's (e.g., SUGGEST A COUPLE OF TITLES and other authors’ (SUCH AS?) novels for adolescents provide short chapters that are useful for this process.
Rereading at the Sentence Level (Vocabulary Prediction)
Gallagher (2004) suggests a rereading strategy where the teacher identifies vocabulary from a passage and ask students to make predictions of their meaning prior to reading the passage.
A chart might be used as follows:
Prediction Before Reading
Prediction After Reading
Gallagher suggests six words from a passage of three paragraphs. After reading for discovering the meaning of the word, the students reread the passage to ensure that they have predicted the meaning correctly.
Beers, K. (2003). When kids can't read; What teachers can do. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Gallagher, K. (2004). Deeper reading; Comprehending challenging text 4-12. Portland,
ME: Stenhouse Publishers.
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