Lexile Level and Running Records for RC.docx See Chart Below.
LexileConversionChart[1].pdf Conversion Chart to Grade Level
ReadingLevelComps[1].pdf Reading Level and Grade Level Comparisions
A Good Instructional Match.docx
Using Lexile Levels and Running Records to Assess Reading Comprehension for Struggling Students
(Critical to Matching the Student with Appropriate Instructional Material)
Student Standard of Learning Test (SOL) scores are reported in correlated Lexile levels.
Superintendent’s Memo #267, October 24, 2008, titled Lexile Framework for Reading Initiative indicates that SOL scores will be reported in Lexile levels as well as in the standard reported score. The memo includes a link to tables for each grade level.
If the SOL/Lexile level is not readily available, any available text or reading material in your classroom can be used and a Lexile level be determined for that piece of text at www.Lexile.com.
The Lexile website provides a database of titles that have been Lexile leveled or a method for inserting a passage to have the level determined. To match Lexile level to grade level, refer to the attached chart from Advantage Learning Systems, Inc (attached).
Several passages at Lexile levels surrounding the grade level of attendance need to be collected as well for assessing and determining the student’s level.
Once the student’s skill at his or her grade level of attendance is determined to be “not at grade level” and the need is present to continue the investigation, additional pieces of text at varying Lexile levels will be needed.
Once the student is matched with grade level of attendance, the assessment can begin at this point.
Several factors need to be considered when assessing the level at which the student comprehends reading material, but initially it is important to determine their skill at grade level.
Conduct a running record procedure with the grade level selected reading passage to determine the appropriate match of Lexile leveled reading material to student.
Use this resource for information regarding the procedure, forms, and techniques for conducting a running record for miscue analysis and retelling; more specific questioning of reading comprehension skills can be performed as well – main idea, sequence, inference, and so on.
If the grade level material is not a match to the student, refer to the SOL-Lexile Level score on the SOL report document and begin the running record procedure with a reading passage at that level or at the next higher Lexile level increment.
The website, Reading A-Z.com, has content material available either through free download or, for a more extensive listing, through subscribing to the service. Reading passages can also be used from materials within your classroom or the school library. Often these titles can be found in the Lexile database.
Once a match with an appropriate reading level is determined in which the student is able to comprehend what they have read, instructional materials at that level can be provided to the student. To continue reading instruction, materials at the next higher Lexile level increment will be used to move the student forward.
The student will need to be able to gain knowledge from his or her own reading; therefore the match to instructional level is critical. If materials at his or her instructional level are not available, free downloadable readers might be considered for use with instructional materials.
To move comprehension instruction forward, the student needs to feel comfortable in the reading passage but challenged and engaged as well with the material.
Assessment or progress monitoring at regular intervals is critical to the continuing progress of the student. See references below.
Use of the running record procedure should be completed and can be done rather quickly.
Resources hyperlinked within the document:
Superintendent’s Memo #267 from October 24, 2008: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/administrators/superintendents_memos/2008/inf267.html
Lexile Level Conversion Chart: http://www.hsdist88.dupage.k12.il.us/aths/resources/AT%20MCweb02/TEAMS/ELLResources/LexileConversionChart.pdf
Lexile Analyzer of Text: http://www.lexile.com/analyzer/
National Center on Response to Intervention, Progress Monitoring Tools Chart: http://www.rti4success.org/chart/progressMonitoring/progressmonitoringtoolschart.htm
(Provide information concerning Progress Monitoring and Reading Comprehension)
Barton, J., & Sawyer, D. M. (2003). Our Students Are Ready for This: Comprehension Instruction in the Elementary School. The Reading Teacher, 57(4), 334+. Retrieved February 7, 2010, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5002441822
Dougherty Stahl, K. A. (2004). Proof, Practice, and Promise: Comprehension Strategy Instruction in the Primary, Grades. The Reading Teacher, 57(7), 598+. Retrieved February 7, 2010, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5005915509
Fritschmann, N. S., Deshler, D. D., & Schumaker, J. B. (2007). The Effects of Instruction in an Inference Strategy on the Reading Comprehension Skills of Adolescents with Disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 30(4), 245+. Retrieved February 7, 2010, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5024823159
Hamilton, C., & Shinn, M. R. (2003). Characteristics of Word Callers: An Investigation of the Accuracy of Teachers' Judgments of Reading Comprehension and Oral Reading Skills. School Psychology Review, 32(2), 228+. Retrieved February 7, 2010, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001996973
Lasater, M. W., Johnson, M. M., & Fitzgerald, M. (2000, September/October). Completing the Education Mosaic. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33, 46+. Retrieved February 7, 2010, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5035445235
Laverpool, A. (2008). The Efficacy of Rereading as a Metacognitive Tool for Reading Comprehension Monitoring. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 38(2), 31+. Retrieved February 7, 2010, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5027271300
Menzies, H. M., Mahdavi, J. N., & Lewis, J. L. (2008). Early Intervention in Reading: From Research to Practice. Remedial and Special Education, 29(2), 67+. Retrieved February 7, 2010, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5026726855
Nelson, J. M., & Manset-Williamson, G. (2006). The Impact of Explicit, Self-Regulatory Reading Comprehension Strategy Instruction on the Reading-Specific Self-Efficacy Attributions, and Affect of Students with Reading Disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 29(3), 213+. Retrieved February 7, 2010, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5017352630
Wayman, M. M., Wallace, T., Wiley, H. I., Ticha, R., & Espin, C. A. (2007). Literature Synthesis on Curriculum-Based Measurement in Reading. Journal of Special Education, 41(2), 85+. Retrieved February 7, 2010, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5022190197
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